Looks as if the word of BlogTv is about as good the word from American president George dubya Bush. All this, 24/7 moderation and we care bologna is just that, BOLOGNA.

After reading the what sounds like a wonderful idea and that is to bring the age limit back up, we clicked on LIVE NOW and within seconds we found this guy 14 and a half broadcasting on ol' BlogTv. But why is this a surprise? We know how blogtv cares for and protects kids.
jeez, give them time. They just put this into action today. Let them get around to taking care of these things. Can't you guys report on some good bloggers for us to check out, or some other random drama apart age limits and pedophiles? How about going back to bashing some Binko. Anything other than bad moderators and underage children.
report the underage broadcasters and move on... and give them time to take care of it. I think they made a great choice in making this change, now let's give them some help and report these individuals and "wait." Remain patient. Just because you yell JUMP doesn't mean they can do it immediately.
you "guys" are so jealous... god might have to bring the number up to 8 deadly sins.
Yeah I will agree with ya there. I am actually getting tired of reading the same stuff over and over, although I do support what Let's Talk is doing. The age has been raised up, so lets see some good things about people's shows on blogtv. =)
I think this is a step in a positive direction, for blogtv. I am VERY pleased and RELEAVED at this decision.
Kara did say in her video that it would be tomorrow sometimes for the policy to take full effect. They know where the 13 year old are, NOW they can get them off cam. I think they will. This is a good thing.
Blogtv is really a great place to be when things are done properly and I want to think that things will move forward in a positive manner. So lets just wait and see and yes, give them some time to take care of this.
Time will truly tell if they are serious or not. I think maybe they are,NOW. The heat was on too heavy and they finally realized they needed to do something. This is a good thing. :)
you ought to change the name to "let's bitch..."
your obsession with blogtv and little kids got out of hand
get over it
i would like to personally thank whomever it was that contacted youtube and had my "prime directives" video removed. considering it has no TOS violating material, and was made using ONLY images on myspace available to users of all ages... it brings me great joy and megalomania to know it has such a psychological effect on people. kudos.
And guess what!!! No mods have been online to moderate room for over 2 hours now!! Come on HIRE MORE mods. You guys should give out moderator privlages TO THE MOST TRUSTED ops in rooms!
please, sign this if you think the broadcasting age should be 13 www.ipetitions.com/petition/wewantfreedom/index.html
you guys are total douche bags. you complain when they lower the age and complain when they bring it up. Go suck an egg.
To Anon,
We reported on the fact they raised the age to 15 with the backing of "24/7 room moderation, cause we care." This was a 9 and 12 year old, broadcasting in 8th and 9th place FOR AN HOUR or more being hounded by pedos. AFTER they raised the age to 15.
Cause they care about what? It cannot be child safety by any means.
For once in my life.. I agree with Shawn.
You are such a liar Shawn. Go find something to play with Little Boy and amuse yourself at your own expense.
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