In just 5 minutes we were able to not only catch this girl being molested by BlogTv pedos but she closed her show as she said, "This is getting out of hand, 100 viewers I don't want 100 viewers."


Did we mention that a person in this room told this girl to go kill herself.

Did you know that when a company makes a statement "We monitor our rooms 24/7 cause we care" and when they don't that's called here in America "FALSE ADVERTISEMENT"

We were wondering where Shawn1979r was this morning, he was not spamming our site like normal.
This broadcastor was #3 in LIVE NOW line up.
In America the have whats called the Better Business Bureau, i think ill contact them.
Blogtv has now towed the line with me.
They say this garbage 24/7 monitoring and this is what we get.
Right after the holiday I am contacting the Better Business Bureaus with the claims of blogtv and false advertising.
Blogtv out right lies.
Steven, I don't think you can contact the BBB because they're a company based out of the US. Also, you haven't received a paid service from them. Not sure if that makes a difference, but you might want to look into that.
Shawn you are the one thats sick. You are obsessed with this rage against me, thinking that I am the one behind this site. You are crazy!!! But you know, if this is what amuses your sick little mind.. then have at it.
Everybody who knows me and supports me knows,that I am not even capable of developing a site like this. For one thing, I don't even know how, lol. And another thing, I don't have the money to develop such a site anyway. So go on and get over yourself Shawn.
You are just mad at me for having enough guts to stand up for what I believe in, and it has offended you in someway. So you are trying to get back at me and you are making up all these lies.
Just get over yourself Little Boy and move along.
LOL, its not Jane1963 behind this. I know who it is..................... JessicaJoy =)
Oh foowee!! It isn't Jessica Joy either lol.
I don't' know who these people are. They invited me over here when they complimented my show. Then I got upset because I saw something very disturbing on a Blogtv show, involving minors.
I went to the blogtv forums, got catti remarks from the community director,and then I contacted these folks for support.
This site has been great for supporting the issues that many of us on blog had about the age change and i believe that without their help, we wouldn't have gotten blogtv to changed it back.
It was just a couple of days ago when the community director said they were NOT going to change the age. Something change between then and the very next day. I don't know what, but they decided to change the age back to 16. I am grateful for that and I think things are going to get better now.
As for the way this site is re posting these photo's . I don't think this is a good idea and I really wish you guys wouldn't do that anymore. It isn't good for the victims that already have been victimized.Please consider that. I don't think you meant any harm intentionally at all.
As for Shawn... lol... he likes to prank people so I think he is amusing himself with making these accuations towards me to get a rise out of me for his amusement. I know for a fact that he does that to people, he shared with me on how he does that with another broadcaster he doesn't like at blogtv. So whatever makes his boat float I guess.
OMG Shawn you are such a liar lol You never spoke to me before? lol You have when I was in your room many times and you came to mine and talked to me many times,bragging on how you indulged in driving this one broadcaster crazy. Also you braged about it in other rooms to in pm . lol you are nuts!! Ha Ha Ha . I have an email just dated a couple of days ago from you. Give it up little boy .. you are not good at this.
We are guessing Shawn1979r spammed this message only cause we called him out.
when we posted this stpry Shawn would have already posted his spam for the day.
They are getting closer Shawn you may want to hide.
UHM this is just chan tards she can easily make it ops only or turn guest chat off or get off the internet
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