Monday, February 2, 2009


This man is like a never ending faucet of personalities. tonight his show was more like a sitcom. DudeKoolNess played, Dick Brown the CEO of Dick's Computers. He then goes on to be Regional Manager Mitchell Stuart. Not only does this guy get decked out into full costume and character he has graphics, backgrounds, sound effects, music, bumpers a full on BlogTv Production, every show, every time. Selling dinosaurs computers with floppy drives 150mp hard drives. This man is an undiscovered talent and will be an internet legend, you BlogTv people should be very glad to have him.

When we thought he was done DudeKoolNess busts out with Contraction Jackson. An unborn fetus. This is a little guy is still in his mothers uterus.
DudeKoolNess has an imagination that just won't quit. And we love it!!!


Baketron said...

DudeKoolness just keeps outdoing himself, over and over again. When you think it can't get any funnier, it does.

And, he has a pretty awesome wife. LOL.

Anonymous said...

best blogtv user.