We have had many people email us on this one. Have you ever tried to log on to your show and you get the ever so now common, Your nickname is taken please. Please change it and try again. All that F5'ing $$$
I believe that this only happens when you are trying to be at two shows at once on the same account. It happens.
I have had it happen as well. sometimes it happens after I leave a show and try to go to another show. There is a glitch in the flash application I think and how it works with your web browser. It has been so bad I've pulled up a show I was in on another computer and my user name is still there, even though I am not. This is also why you can hear a show after you leave it. Anyone else have this problem?
Happens to me ALL the time..BlogTV WAKE UP..yr site is falling apart!! You cant even go from yr room to a friends room without having to log ALL the way out..sometimes even REFRESHING doesnt work and f5? hmm well that NO LONGER is an option. BTW thanx for moving the age back up to 16..can we try 18 next??? I love ya , I love ya all but i gotsta go
omg thank goodness it's not just me!! :\ I've been getting soooo frustrated-I refresh the page, but a lot of the time it still doesn't work even after quitting firefox or switching to internet explorer... even logging out, I don't get it D:
I believe that this only happens when you are trying to be at two shows at once on the same account. It happens.
No this happens when surfing from one room to another also all the time.
oh good!! All the while I thought that was just me and my goofy computer skills. I am so glad i am not the only one :)
I have had it happen as well. sometimes it happens after I leave a show and try to go to another show. There is a glitch in the flash application I think and how it works with your web browser. It has been so bad I've pulled up a show I was in on another computer and my user name is still there, even though I am not. This is also why you can hear a show after you leave it. Anyone else have this problem?
This happens to me often. I am usually able to just refresh the page manually and it stops doing it.
Happens to me ALL the time..BlogTV WAKE UP..yr site is falling apart!! You cant even go from yr room to a friends room without having to log ALL the way out..sometimes even REFRESHING doesnt work and f5? hmm well that NO LONGER is an option. BTW thanx for moving the age back up to 16..can we try 18 next??? I love ya , I love ya all but i gotsta go
thats probably because you got another tab open you fucking noobs. exit one show. enter another. thats how it works
lol "blog is falling apart"
log out of your fake guest names first ya friggin morons
omg thank goodness it's not just me!! :\ I've been getting soooo frustrated-I refresh the page, but a lot of the time it still doesn't work even after quitting firefox or switching to internet explorer... even logging out, I don't get it D:
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