We just got the official word on which BlogTv contestants are still in the game show and who has dropped out of The Escape. AmandaRama, RiseXagainst, one2vibe and Blog_Fag are still in the show, the rest have opted out, Lorax, HoboManda, Viper, ThatGuyJacko. And with all the dramas going on with the show, we really can't blame them.

Stay up to date, with all the breaking news of The Escape. Right here on www.LetsTalkBlogTv.BlogSpot.com
I thought blogfag was dropping out, so much for his locality to his friends... guess he wants to stick with the fag tweenie crowed! hmmm I feel a new Boy George has been born!
I heard they're making it 4 guys and 4 girls! The cool thing is it could also end up being 4 from blog and 4 not from blog. This would mean competition!!!
WHOA. I just noticed Binko's site pic changed. The cast is NOT the same. He took the four pics off! CONFIRMED BITCHES!
... and his page changed again?
Funny how Let's Talk had the info before binko changed his site picture. What does Let's Talk know that binko don't know?
wow everyone whos actually worth watching is out besides amandarama
Maybe binko is just busy working on more important stuff that pictures on a website? doesnt he his show air soon?
Now that everyone knows binko is a cheat, and a local casting call is in effect don't be suprised if a NON-Blogtv person wins.
open casting = friends on the show
since this was fixed.
Why dont' he just say who wins already. Gees it's not like there is any excitment any more, how can you trust a person that "rigs" anything. That's far from reality, but then, look who we are dealing with.
reply to Steven:
Let's Talk is on top of it.
I just wish I could use my account when I post here. I dont want to be hated on blogtv cause of how I feel but do agree with all of what they say.
Congrats, I knew this days before you...
You see, people who go to both Binko's and Lorax's shows found this out as soon as it happened. So anyway, I'd like to respond to a comment:
"Now that everyone knows binko is a cheat, and a local casting call is in effect don't be suprised if a NON-Blogtv person wins.
open casting = friends on the show
since this was fixed.
Why dont' he just say who wins already. Gees it's not like there is any excitment any more, how can you trust a person that "rigs" anything. That's far from reality, but then, look who we are dealing with."
I know Binko, I've known him for a long time. And I'd like to say, he is so excited for this, and he is NOT a cheat and The Escape is NOT rigged. Just because some people dropped out DOESN'T mean that The Escape is no longer going to be taken seriously. It's huge, and you'll be kissing his ass one day.
The 'Escape' is about as huge as a sale at Sear's underwear department.
If it was so big then why is it that NO ONE outside the 'clique' of Blog has even heard of it? I like to know how many things have been actually bought from the Escape store?
Will Amanda Rama be next, after hearing Travis recording that Binko is hoping she will go out first??? Probably not she like to swim with the sharks and will broadcast making sandcastles using her spam can LOL.
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