Friday, December 19, 2008
Legal trouble for BlogTv
There has been mixed feelings about the Broadcasters at the BlogTv showing copy righted material on BlogTv. Kara Hannah herself said, "There is nothing we can do unless the owners contact us." (Like that's going to look good in court the community leader not doing anything about their own TOS) We have many emails from viewers about this problem. So as we like to do, we jumped on this bandwagon. We contacted FOX Broadcasting Company and Fox Filmed Entertainment via email. We just received a call from Marlene with the legal department of FOX Broadcasting she tells us, "There is defiantly legal consequences to show this material on the internet, not only with BlogTv but the broadcasters as well." If you have screen caps and the broadcasters name of ANY violations of the TOS please send them to LetsTalkBlogTv@yahoo.com
Looks like BlogTv will be owing FOX some cash and could be shut down do to making money off copy righted material. Maybe if the BlogTv did their jobs fairly and with out discrimination, things like this would not happen.

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The biggest offender of the TOS is DLGRIZZPAW who broadcasts copyrighted materials 24/7.
I have been flagging that show constantly, and have even created a blog video about it on my account there.
It's time blogtv stopped profiting off of copyrighted material, and started a partner sharing program for the broadcasters on this site.
They pay Michael Buckley, so there is no reason why they can't pay all of us for creating material for their site.
if ur job revolves around blog tv...why would u push to have it shut down by contacting people to take legal action?
DLGRIZZPAW needs his account banned and he needs to Pay fines. He Does Broadcasting of Simpsons, Family Guy, SouthPark and LOTS more...Please someone tell FOX or the legal ppl about him i want him ShutDown. KARA HANNAH NEEDS TO DO HERE FUCKING JOB AND STOP SITTING AT THE HOUSE WATCHING TV LIKE THE AVERAGE Israel person. lol And she needs to Tell STUPID Mod_Ella not to ban peopel just because they look young i was 17 and she private messaged and me and said "according to the viewers your 12" And i didnt have a chance to reply just got banned. FUCK OFF MOD_ELLA AND ESPECIALLY YOU KARA-HANNAH DO UR FUCKING JOB! ALSO I CANT WAIT TILL BLOGTV GETS SHUTDOWN FOR LEGAL ISSUES IM JUST GOING TO LAUGH MY ASS OF =)!!
To anon:
BlogTv is not the only site we report on, no loss to us.
If BlogTv would follow their own TOS there would not be a problem.
why would you help to get blogtv shut down you guys are idiots, so what if people are showing tv shows there are other sites where you can watch tv shows. lets talk you need you shut the hell up and mind your own damn business, stop butting into other people's business.
WEll Anon look at it this way.
What if YOU were the producer of a tv show, and I took your show and aried it on my internet channel, I make money off the people that watch it, and you get nothing for all your hard work.
Hey i dont know why you cant just leave the "MOVIE" guys alone.
Let them just play there movies,
They are not winning any awards for there website.
They are not winning any contests or prizes.
There not making any money or getting paid.
They will certainly NOT be partnered with blog.
All they are doing is giving us something to watch, when the all the broadcasters arent doing shit.
When all you see are the You Tubers, with there 8 hour countdown clocks, on the NOW PLAYING screen, arent you glad you have something else to watch besides an empty chair???
You guys just need something to bitch about, and guess what? If youre so against it, why are you a subscriber to all the shows?
Leave Karah and the mods alone, would you rather them focus on the "Movie guys" or focus on important stuff like minors,btard,4channers,spammers,improving the site,making contests, or giving away stuff?
You decide.
To anon:
So where do they draw the line?
When will they allow porn?
Why is it ok for BlogTv to break the law?
So if you are bored and have no money it's ok to rob a bank on that day only cause your bored and have no money?
There are LAWS for a reason.
Ya know, I agree, should not broadcast copywrite material, but I think over at Justin.tv there are bigger offenders, the people broadcasting here are just young kids, justin.tv shows actual movies, some that are still in theatres. Blogtv should ban the IP addresses but to go out of your way to contact a legal department of Fox and what not, this is more like an attack than the normal concerned citizen.
You would be better to just keep complaining to Blogs legal department. This neighbor turning against neighbor, is a bit like socialism! Big Brother and all that!
Its a bit much if you ask me! Which you did not so I guess, I am just sayin!
Let's Bolg TV post:
- "There are LAWS for a reason."
- "Take screencaps to any brocaster violating the TOS"
You just showned us our true colors, you are now fair game.
Maybe "there is laws for a reason", but there was also "9/11 for a reason" - I guess some people will never learn.
Copyrights are like religions; in essence it' a good thing, but in application this is just a political means to control wha ppl are allowed to say, be and think.
Choose your side carefully before making a decision.
We never forgive,
We never forget,
Dont expect us.... that boat has sailed.
Go figure ... if you take a look at DLGRIZZPAW's channel now, you will notice that he has removed all but one of his recorded videos, and has changed his banner to only promote South Park now.
BlogTV is engaging in a complete cover up before Fox can get there legal team on here. I wonder how many hundreds of thousands of dollars blog TV made illegally on GrizzPaw's channel before they did a fly by night and closed up shop.
Now I think we all know we need to get onto the horn with Comedy Central and get in touch with their legal department.
Think about it ... as of right now, DLGRIZZPAW's channel has basically 2,400,000 views. Let say at the very least blogtv makes 25 cents every time you view an ad ... that adds up to at least $600,000 that blog tv has made off illegal activities.
Where's out cut of that? What about us broadcasters who create our own shows, and our own original content?
All this guy did was download ManyCam, pirate the entire series of southpark, and run it on his P3 Dell.
How creative, and original is that?
Copy right is NOT like religion at all, if you understood what a copy right is and all about, you will see how very stupid that comment is.
9/11 for a reason? What does that mean.
We do not choose sides we are REPORTERS no differnt than any other reporting agency.
BlogTv has no right to make money off of copy Righted material, If so please explain.
No worries, emails have been sent.
We have screen caps of all the thumbnails of the recorded shows.
For them to have removed the recorded shows, well that goes without saying, thats kinda like washing the blood stained clothes after the murder.
BlogTv has sealed their fate and again if they were fair and did not run the polotics as they do none of this would have happened, we can thank mod_Sharon on this for the most part.
Well, you should clarify "copywrite" laws. Seems ATP and IR are going at it over this very same issue, just read IRs show page!
Shoot, when a "politician" doesn't understand exactly what is and what is not copyright material, how on earth do you expect the regular schmo' to understand!
Blogtv cannot even decide what is and is not copyright material! Perhaps their PR team needs a bit of education in the USofA laws, didn't someone say that Blogtv is a foreign company?
Gee, first its minors on blog, then its odd gameshows, now its copyrights! hmmm Are these people running this site all fresh outta highschool or just starting college?
Also if the person showing the show is not doing it for profit, such as this DLGRIZZPAW then how are they going against copyright, they show the shows in entirety.. so it states that it is copyrighted, the shows are just being shown to friends... where is the so called money making on his part.
Now blogtv, that is a different story, they should atleast pull all adds off of these sites, then that should stop them from being responsible for illegal showings.. they are then not making money off of an illegally shown production!
DLGRIZZPAW should right the Fox broadcasting network and say, hey, I wanna show these programs, it will promote your shows, and draw interest to your TV shows, how about giving blogtv some free advertising or what not... work with the company and not against it.. there has got to be a better way than starting a war just because someone does not like what a little ole broadcaster is doing!
Personally, I had never seen the shows until I saw it on blogtv, and I don't care if I ever see it again... not that great of a show!
If this was such a mainstream issue you would think the real news media would jump on it! But alas, I don't see it!
But, even youtube has woken up and is on the copyright band wagon these days, just ask VenetianPrincess.. She can no longer do parady to copyrited songs! Now there is a company that is taking action!
Wake up Blogtv, don't let this get so far outta the ballfield that you go belly up!!!
You are not reporters, this is a covert operation made by the BlogTV mods.
Do you think we are stupid or something?
After that comment, there is no doubt in our minds that you are stipid.
Under BlogTV Terms of Use you brake "rule" number 4 in so many ways, your in no position to preach to use about copyrights
We really wished the Anons had the balls to post with accounts.
Please explain, We have Every TOS of blogtv photoed and archived.
If they wish to change the TOS on a daily basis that's fine.
With any website it is not manditory to read the TOS on a daily basis, if they so wish to change or add to the TOS they need to inform there users of there daily changing rules.
But that does not matter.
You really need to read up on the laws of journalism in the United States of America before making your statments, cause they really make you look foolish.
i have the balls to post with my own account. i also have balls that i want to stick inside your kids mouth.
Great White Lair now we have evidance to file a police report of your pedofile ways. Thank you
Did we mention White Liar there is 8 of us that have kids here, That's 8 counts of "intent of child molestation" not to mention all the harrassment.
Don't bother about deleting the comment it was screen capped.
Have a GREAT DAY sir. :)
Sounds like you did your research Let's Talk. Do you want BlogTv to end? If so then your website will extinct as well...DUH!! I enjoy your website, but as you try to take down broadcasters and the performance of BlogTv you are only making it worst for Let's Talk to exist.
ugh Anon
BlogTv is not the only site we report on if they close up no big deal, there are many more to report on we are workin on starting 2 more new sites at this time, BlogTv is not our world like some people like to think.
To anon:
So where do they draw the line?
When will they allow porn?
Why is it ok for BlogTv to break the law?
So if you are bored and have no money it's ok to rob a bank on that day only cause your bored and have no money?
There are LAWS for a reason.
To the idiots:
will they allow porn?
whats porn have to do with showing cartoons? you are an idiot just to compair them two.
ok to break the law?
another idiotic question. kara hannah stated more than once that its NOT ok and its also on the TOS, obviously they have bigger problems to handle right now besides cartoon showing.
if you have no money is it ok to rob a bank?
of course not but people still do it.
Hey if there was a basket of money in the middle of nowhere saying "Not your money please dont steal" will you just leave it there? (if you said yes your are full of crap) or will you take it?
Oh by the way do you have permission to post all these screen caps with blog tv trademarks and logos on it????????
To the idiot:
will they allow porn?
whats porn have to do with showing cartoons? you are an idiot just to compair them two.
The point is, if they can break one of the TOS why cant they break the other, dumb dumb.
ok to break the law?
another idiotic question. kara hannah stated more than once that its NOT ok and its also on the TOS, obviously they have bigger problems to handle right now besides cartoon showing.
If it's NOT ok then why does this go on, fish is fish wether it is porn or violating the Federal laws of the United States Government.
if you have no money is it ok to rob a bank?
of course not but people still do it.
Still does not make it ok to rob a bank.
Hey if there was a basket of money in the middle of nowhere saying "Not your money please dont steal" will you just leave it there? (if you said yes your are full of crap) or will you take it?
Who died and left you the all knowing God, just because you are greedy and have no morles does not mean everyone is like you.
Oh by the way do you have permission to post all these screen caps with blog tv trademarks and logos on it????????
Read the TOS dumb dumb.
this must be xethos only that stupid bitch would come up with these stupid arguments.
feeling stupid yet asshole.
I hope they don't close down blogtv :( I love this place and I think you should encourage them to hire more people to do their jobs!! it is not so hard to ban and delete people's accounts who air stuff like this! I hope they put a stop to this without having to stop the site, bc it is not so hard to delete an account or block it.
I would love to see one of you guys doing the mods job for two hours. I bet it would be a real eye opener...Just a feeling.
To Ball-less Anon
We are pretty much doing the mods job.
We just can't block shows is all
so we report on them.
wow blogtv is still online, letsstalk = fail
i have noticed that white liar only posts on the kiddy stories never hating on the adult lady showing off her coochie.
other than this one
InTeReStInG to say the least
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