Where oh where have all have all the mod_Stooges gone? It looks like they have all taken the high road in the mornings. In these 2 screen shots you can see there are NO MODS available to monitor the BlogTv in the early morning hours of the pacific time zone. Now you see why we called out Kara Hannah with her, "Caring and loving mods as they are so busy." Busy doing what... sleeping?
wow, u probly was proud when u found that out!
it shows online only when ur logged in on the website. they probly have their own systems and dont have to surf the site to see whats going on.
Obviously this must have been a slow news day for you guys...
Oh well, dont quit your day job.
Haters, sorry your site isnt doing as well.
Slow news day for who...
This site posts more stories in one a day than the other gossip sites post in a week.
haters go fuck off
when mods are working they show as ON-LINE and have since blogtv started up in canada, someone is really going out of the way to make this site look foolish but what is great about it is when you least expect it Lets Talk busts out with some shit.
this is the best gossip site they have lots of posts they dont kiss anyones ass and they tell it they way it is i have yet to read any unfactual stuff here.
keep it up i like ill be back everyday.
Well one reason their Mod accounts are not activve, is that they are under user accunts. The problem with Mod accounts is that the moment a Mod account comes into a room, all actions stop. As a guest they can observe the behavior without the knowledge of the Broadcaster
Oh and for the record, all the mods are on my friends list, and the moment I see their names pop up, they vanish just as fast.
mods are like NINJAS you dont know when there on or not they might SAY there offline but they are there waiting TO POUNCE on you like a cat!
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