Tonight while mod_alex was busy with the ever so stressful job of handing out ops in WhatTheBucks waiting rooms, you know one of the PAID BROADCASTERS over at the BlogTv. Poor non paid alyymay, two teenage girls getting hounded by the usual, show us your tits, kiss, show us your crotch, show us your tummy and the other demands they ask of these girls.

Now BlogTv pays these people to broadcast and they are treated like kings but if you happen to be "average person" broadcaster you are treated like a common whore. In a nutshell, show us your tits and like it or GTFO.
We think is how they put it.
Wow i like your guys website. But you guys are getting stupider and stupider. Number 1 They do not pay the YouTubers to broadcast and tell them to tell there subscribers to come! You really got it twisted when you said they get 1- Thousand a Month! WOW. If they do get paid they probally like 100 Dollars a month. YouTube pays them like 2-3 Thousand a Month though i think. Plus the ads they get money for. AND STOP SPAMMING UR FRIGGING LINK EVERYWHERE! I could get kara Hannah or a Mod to shut you down because you spam your link everywhere in chat rooms comments etc. STOP IT.
actually there was a story here about blogTV paying YouTubers. You should read it! Straight from the horses mouth.
Why do these stoopid anons try and lie. ill bet its blogtv doing damage control but EPIC FAIL
I just love how this stupid website has a better handel on the moderation than blogtv does.
Good Job Guys or Girls
This goes to the first Anonymous poster. Blogtv indeed does pay the Youtubers that which are announced on that youtube page to broadcast on Blogtv. Sxephil has admitted to it as well as other youtubers. And no Youtube does not pay them exactly 2-3 Thousand a month. It goes off of views and ad clicks on there ads that is if the video was submitted for ad revenue sharing. I am a youtube partner, I should know.
Who is the stupid one now? Oh and nice word, "stupider."
poor kara complains about not having cash to pay for more mods. not enough cash to develop better tools. just pay the broadcasters to bring in more people and keep the kids shows going for the pervs. you guys are sick.
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