Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Hit them where it hurts.
One of our reporters that was assigned to pedo patrol over at the BlogTv came up with a fantastic idea. Because we cannot sit by and let the kids over at the BlogTv be victimised any longer we have came up with a perfect solution. If BlogTv does not want to help this internet rape of children, we will.
We are now on a campaign to notify all the advertisers that run their ads on BlogTv. We will be sending google ads and every advertiser we see on these kids pages and adult pages that show any signs of pedophilia or nudity, to all the people that advertise on BlogTv. It is against the TOS of google ads to run ads on sex sites and we are sure, after they read all the garbage that these poor kids are bombarded with on a daily basis, Google will pull their account ASAP. If you wish to help with this please send the perverted screen shots WITH THE ADS to LetsTalkBlogTv@yahoo.com

lets talk blogtv news,
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im on board
looks like the hammer is falling soon
count me in too. hit them in the wallet since that is what is driving their business decisions with no regard for ethics, morality or social responsibility!!
EXCELLENT idea Let's Talk!! Keep up the good work!! I'm so glad to see there are still descent & truly caring people still out there in this Crazy World!
lmao, i can't wait to see you get bashed by blogtv,lmao
I wouls totally apply my Stuffy Doll to this situation.
wow. this really sounds like someone whos afraid of the truth getting out about blogTV. okay class lets review the lesson for today. everyone(?) but kara hannah and blogtv agrees there is a pedo problem with the underage broadcasters rooms. kara hannah and blogtv thinks their site is the "safest place for kids to be on the internet." people who know better want to prove kara hannah and blogTV are wrong and protect these innocent children. in order to do that, to use kara's own words, take a screen shot and send it to us. yet the problem continues. just more promises from blogTV that things will get better, we're working on more mods, more controls, etc, etc blah blah blah. all of which should have been in place BEFORE underagers were allowed on the site. meanwhile the young kids continue to be victimized by the video tools provided to them by blogTV. so now we have to take a screen shot and send it to the authorities as evidence that there is a problem. lesson learned today class? dont' let those guilty of perpetuating and enabling the problem deter you from shining the light in the dark places and exposing the rotten, stinking corpse called blogTV, er, pedoTV!
what's funny is some of these posters act like you are a perv for "sitting" in a room for "hours" to capture a screen shot for evidence...when in fact these rooms are PUBLIC rooms that ANYONE can sit in and watch.
sooo...the question begs if nothing bad is going on at blogTV why are you acting concerned because someone is in their room monitoring it? are you more concerned that people are seeing the truth? because if you are just concerned about people watching a broadcaster that is pretty lame considering blogTV markets itself that anyone can broadcast to anywhere in the world!
Read their Facebook page and other promotional garbage: "blogTV is a the place where you can show off your talent, build a fan base and share your opinions LIVE! You bring the camera, we bring the stage. We're here to help you get your 15 minutes of fame."
THERE ARE NO PRIVATE SHOWS ON BLOGTV (boy you'd really like that wouldn't you?)
How are we the pervs when all we are doing is WATCHING A DAMN SHOW, REGARDLESS OF THE AGE, and reporting inappropriate content per Kara Hannah and blogTV? If nothing wrong is going on what's the problem? DUH.
if you don't want them being watched then stop them from broadcasting because ANYONE can watch them, including the PERVS! That is the whole damn point. DOUBLE DUH.
if blogTV was really concerned about the kids and providing them a safe place to broadcast, they would have mods or monitors in all the underagers chat rooms at all times and limit the time of day they can broadcast, and keep guest chat turned off, AND disable the function for them to receive files and 1 on 1 webcam privately.
A responsible staff member or volunteer should be available at all times in these rooms. sorry but until they do that they are not serious about the safety of children. giving minors the freedom to broadcast doesn't mean you turn a blind eye and let them do whatever or let the pervs do whatever. These are MINORS, for god's sake, not adults. Use your head and some common sense. Quit being brainwashed by the blogTV propaganda and think for yourself!
No one is sitting in the rooms for hours to capture screen shots. You can get the screen shots with in the first five miniutes. You sit for hours waiting for a mod to show up, even after you have emailed the evidence and flagged the show.
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