ShaunTheKingKeene has only been on BlogTv for a few days and it did not take us long to dig up his dirt. This Kansas boy acts like the typical blonde country frat guy, but is he? After we recieved a few photos of ShaunTheKingKeene, he doesnt seem all that shy around a studio and photographers. These photos look like a solo j/o photo shoot. Wonder if they shot video? Is this the reason he doesn't have to work and just goes to college. WHAT a MAN!!!
i understand the underage and pedo posts but to go after someone who has done nothing wrong on blog. im sure you could dig dirt up on just about anyone on blog. what he does offline is none of anyones business. i just hope you didnt ruin someones reputation. but i guess you dont care about that.
i just wish he was 10 years younger.... purrrrrrrr....
wait what does this have to do with blogTV? he's not breaking any rules on the site? I'm confused.
Thanks for posting this about me, and causing jerks to come into my room and harass me. I really would like to thank you for that. One of two things is gonna happen here, either your gonna stop writing this garbage about me, or ill shut down my site. But im sure you can find someone else to DIG UP SOME DIRT ON. This has NOTHING to do with my channel and what i talk about on there. UNTIL people like you post this crap and get people to come in there and start calling me names, and post links showing what i do TO PUT MYSELF THROUGH college. Im sorry mommy and daddy didnt help me and this is what i had to do to make a living, but thats life. So do me a favor instead of harassing me and posting this crap keep my name out of your mouth. Or ShaunTheKingKeene will no longer do a show. And before you try and clean my closet and dig up some more dirt remember this, you to have dirt. EVERYONE HAS DIRT. Before you judge me, judge yourself for putting this crap up there. Cuz what i do to support myself is none of your damn business!
Come on GUYS
This was just mean ...
you guys are always talking about harrasement. now you've caused it to happen to someone. you should take this down immediatly and apoligize.
whats the link to the uncensored pics??
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