Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Boot-y Call

If you are a wise BlogTv'er you know never to click on any link ending in
This group of people that go around to the newbies rooms and boots the hell out of them. These BlogTv pirates have filmed these events and put them on YouTube. If you have never seen what happens when you click on the link here is your chance. Alot of these poor fools fell for the, "I Made a song for you" line. As evil as it is, it's rather funny in a way.

We know that BlogTv can censore words, they can't censore We are guessing it will take awhile for the management to know there is a problem and them they have to get to the information to the programmers and then they have to write the program. Wow all that work and theres only 25 employees at BlogTv and the information travels slower than the information in the governments.


Small Axe said...

So let me see. You are SO concerned about what this group are doing with their Nimp link, and SO concerned about BlogTV having done nothing to censor it - yet at the same time your post clearly shows a gloating enjoyment of the actions of the "Nimpers", with the added bonus of a video so EVERYONE can join in the fun.

More sanctimonious sub-Stickydrama hypocrisy.

I'd suggest you look up the meaning of the word "integrity" before making any future attempt to take the moral high ground with this blog.

Let's Talk said...

moral high ground


Anonymous said...

hmmm, they can censor the word "raccoon" because of the last four letters, but not interesting choice of censorship!

Unknown said...

I bet you all lol'd at the video.