Friday, December 12, 2008
Trailer Park Trouble
BlogTv has a new "hard ass." WhiteBoy712 this guy talks like the baddest ass in the country. After stopping by his show on a few different occasions, we could not help but notice the most asked question to this guy is, Are you gay? and Are you on speed? This Billy Bad Ass smokes cigarette after cigarette and cannot sit still for a second. After hearing his lame come backs, and "TRYING" to mock the whole gay thing when constantly asked, "Are you gay?" We think he is on something or his ego got so big, cause he bullys all the kids in his trailer park, that he thinks he can take on BlogTv now. Below is a chart with a few hints to help you spot, Trailer Park Trouble makers.

Trailer Park Trouble,
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I started to have a sexual fantasy about him but I stopped as soon as I realized how loose his sphincter is.
ya'll hat'n nut'n, WHITE TRASH REPRESENT
Jacob is an fucking Cockface, He's up his own ass and cares about nothing but how many people are in his room, he's the worst thing to get on blogtv in a long time, He's Racist, Superficial, Retarded, He's a fucking jackass who does not only act like a fucking idiot but IS a fucking idiot, When people from other countries go into his room he's ignorant of them and makes them feel small, whenever he tries to argue back with people he just looks more like a twat, I hope to god he gets cancer from all the cigarettes he smokes
Good show watcha talking about
Whiteboy712 is amazing shut the fuck up....
bahahahaha you guys are lame thanks for the publicity though, and oh yeah thats a "think" beeenie cost 50$ had it sence i was 16 if it was .99 cents damn thats a good beenie then.....fish tank? i would love for you guys to come try and put water in it even though it clearly states on the bottom will not hold water "non-tempered glass" GPC? wtf is that? marlboro menthol cigarettes you mean correct? friend on floor? nice resizing on that screen shot so no one can see he is sitting on a fold out camping chair that is in my room because i use it for fishing? and my wall yeah its graffiti sorry i hate boring walls and like my own style instead of premaid shit....and the poster? corner liquor store? nope wrong place......its from a local bar and im friends with the boss he didnt want it anymore and asked him for it nice to have friends right? oh yeah and the extremely long comment left by an unknown person lol that was "blondeambition" from blogtv she is some fake bitch that uses a picture to broadcast looks like a snobby blonde rich girl has internet and nice clothes but cant afford a camera? ha my thinking is she stole all those pictures from some poor helpless chick off myspace put them on her own myspace and uses them for blogtv to try and attract hot guys that her ugly fat self can attract on her own so she uses other people, now that just isnt right.....now back to you losers holding your noses high in the air and shunning down on those who are less fortunate and cant afford a house looking down on them just for living in a mobile home or in your trashy words "trailor" why dont you just call it a tin box since your being this way fyi i live in a house its nice but i wouldnt care even if i did live in a mobile home whats wrong with it whats the big deal? people that live in "trailors" not good enough to be alive or talk to other people or what, you guys are fucking snobs worthless fuckers looking down on middle class people just because they werent born into rich familys and wernt spoiled by mommy & daddy there whole lives , people that live in trailors actually care about others and there belongings and there nice loving enjoyable people like me & you wait not you because you look down on others .....haha wait a minute you prolly live in a trailor but come on blogspot to make yourself look cool and be like yay i can write lies and such about these people and ladydadeda but whatever haha KEEP WRITING ABOUT MAKE ME THE SHIT ON THE NETS LOL I LOVE THE PUBLICITY I LOVE TO BE KNOWN....LATERS
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