Sunday, November 2, 2008

Stop BlogTv Predators

As we all know since the BlogTv has lowered the age limit to 13 there has been a whole lot of unsettled nerves over this issue. A Group of a dozen or more people are volunteering thier time to Stop Predators over at the BlogTv. A Group that was started by The Independent Reporter has got the attention of many people and they are banning together to fight this wicked subject. If BlogTv and the parents of these kids will not do thier jobs it is a bit of comfort to know that some people care.For more information about joining the efforts to keep our kids safe over at the BlogTv please contact stoppredators on the web at

This site on the BlogTv will also be doing Internet Protection Shows soon, This will be a for sure Click, Stay Tuned.


Anonymous said...

Bless you people

Anonymous said...

I just love you!! Thankyou for what you are doing!-Jane1963