As you all know we do many stories on the pedo problem over at the BlogTv. The people over there really do not seem to care about this situation, so we have decided to run a weekly story "PERVS of the WEEK". This will be screen shots of broadcasters under the age 18 and the text chat that goes on in these kids rooms and what the "PERVS" or "PEDOS" have to say to these kids, along with a list of the "PERVS names. Be sure to read the viewer list of names, some may shock you.

This week's list of pervs are; pedobearinhur, lolwaat, lololis, KITTEHJESUS, pedobear404, Krimeathan, killyourday, pedobearsbestfriend, Gigantic_Bear, zomgies and smacko. As well as many many guests.

So if you see any of these pervs around let them know you know what they are doing in the kiddie rooms.

As you can see in one of the snap shots there was actually a mod_Stooge doing their job. about 5 minutes after the flag but hey. Thumbs up to mod_Tina for actually doing something.
pedobearinhur, lolwaat, lololis, KITTEHJESUS, pedobear404, Krimeathan, killyourday, pedobearsbestfriend, Gigantic_Bear, zomgies and smacko. WHY DONT YOU GUYS BAN AKK THERE ACCOUNTS!?!?!?! I thought you guys said if you take a screenshot and send it to Blogtv they will be dealt with. Well i Searched there names on Blogtv and None of there Accounts are banned? Ban them from ever going on blogtv!! Omg do something at least!! GOSH!
pedobearinhur, lolwaat, lololis, KITTEHJESUS, pedobear404, Krimeathan, killyourday, pedobearsbestfriend, Gigantic_Bear, zomgies and smacko. WHY DONT YOU GUYS BAN All THERE ACCOUNTS!?!?!?! I thought you guys said if you take a screenshot and send it to Blogtv they will be dealt with. Well i Searched there names on Blogtv and None of there Accounts are banned? Ban them from ever going on blogtv!! Omg do something at least!! GOSH!
ya like WTF if you were walking down the street and you said those things to a person under 18 you can get in trouble i believe.
Hmmmm... it is wants a pedo playground.. looks like they are in business!!!
You guys are a joke.
These 13 year old kids know how to operate a computer & they know how to ban people from their room. If the perverted comments are getting to them, they will stop their show.
If they actually remove their clothes and behave in an inappropriate manner due to what these "pedophiles" are telling them to do, the problem here isn't blog.
You have to realize that these kids are going to encounter these weirdos regardless of where they go. It is up to THEM to decide whether or not they want to interact with them. Period.
Also, a pedophile wont conduct himself in a public forum. You're all fucking retards if you believe that a name screaming "TAKE OFF YOUR CLOTHES" in a public chat room is a predator. Be more worried about the silent users than the ones bombarding the room with useless, sick comments.
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