Looks as if the Community leader over at the BlogTv, Kara Hannah is trying to do a little damage control over at the BlogTv Forums. Just as many of us are just livid with the child abuse that goes on over at the BlogTv for nothing more than to fill the pockets of BlogTv. Kara Hannah whom also moderates the BlogTv Broadcaster's Forum, deleted from what Jane1963 says, "Almost two weeks of discussion." that was about the abuse that these, now able to log on kids are getting and no mods available to wrangle the pedos. With Kara saying, "All those questions have been asked and answered." and, "It was nothing of value." Child abuse is nothing of value?!?. Kara has not ever answered squat, she skirts around every question that she does not want to answer, like a good corporate shill does. She does not want "TheMan" anywhere near BlogTv meanwhile child abusing pedophiles have the run of the place.

You know what Let's Talk says about this situation, "Fuck the petitions turn in BlogTv for the sex crimes they are aiding & abetting and protecting. Maybe if they get threatened with having BlogTv blocked from America they will think twice about allowing 13 years olds to broadcast.
CyberTipline was started in 1998 by an act of the United States Congress as a means of reporting and perusing cases of child sexual exploitation. Child sexual exploitation involves things such as child pornography, child molestation, child prostitution, child sex tourism,
unsolicited obscene material sent to children, and online enticement of children for sex acts. When you report an incident of child sexual exploitation to the CyberTipline, they will notify the appropriate law enforcement agency such as local and state police, the FBI, the US Postal Inspection agency, the US Department of Justice Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, and so on. It's a good idea for you to contact your local law enforcement agency too, as the more reports the better.
Oh Shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BlogTv best clean up their act
I can say also that there is a special task undercover task force coming into blog TV. As we speak I am told that they are well on their way to cracking down and not only putting an end to but exposing these things. Soon very soon all of America will know what exactly does go on on BlogTV. I have also heard just today that Dateline is also looking at BlogTv because of the lowering of the age groups. Clean up? Indeed.......
That Kara bitch is one class act, ain't she. now watch she will post her 2, three mile long posts with her, "I have nothing to say" bullshit.
This is just to stir up bull. Think about, if all your little plans suceed and BlogTV closes and or raises the age, there will be two matters at hand. If it closes, THOUSANDS of people will be pissed, at you. Or, if they bring the age back up, There will be many young people angry and disappointed, at you. Either way, it is a lose,lose. And if you people actually went to the average 13 year old show, you would see they have the pedo's under control, yet all you talk about is the shows you know are bad. COUNT IT UP my friend, the statistics of teens actually doing these things is little to none.
myself id rather have people pissed off at me rather than having mentaly fucked up people due to being molested as kids.
You guys can continue to call me names and be rude and think you know what is going on, but the bottom line is you have no idea.
1. I deleted an entire month of posts on the forum which had nothing to do with jane's posts. I answered everything that was asked of me. If I had a better system I would have deleted the entire forum. It is a wasteland of animosity.
2. I truly hope some of the authorities WE have contacted about predators on our site WILL come and get them off. We have been trying to call attention to these people for nearly 6 months now with no response.
As I have said earlier, we are willing to work with any legitimate child protection agency to rid the site, and maybe someday the internet, of these people. Unfortunately, as much as these sites claim to care and claim to want to help out, none of them have responded to our many many please for help from above.
So, instead of continuing your incorrect assumptions of how we run things around here...why not try helping the kids for real? If you think you can actually get one of these agencies to come to this site and pay attention to the problem, send them my way so I can give them the proof they might need to put these people away.
Is it just me or does anyone else see the stupidity of this remark? These people turn on the spigot for young kids to start broadcasting and then THEY act like the victims because they can't get any help with the perverts/pedophiles on the website. I find it HIGHLY unlikely that you are not gettin any help. Who have you called? What agencies or authorities have you contacted? 'Fess up Kara. We're waiting to hear who want respond to your pleas for help. Tell us, maybe we can give them a shout too. Wait a minute. Isn't it your site? Wasn't it your decision to allow young kids to broadcast? Didn't you do this KNOWING this would be an issue? If you didn't know, YOU DO NOW. Don't you have a responsibility to deal with this? No, just keep playing the victim. While the young kids are being victimized. Read your chat logs Kara. You know exactly what's being said to them and yet you allow them to broadcast with few controls. That's like a mom putting her kid in the road and then blaming the trucker that ran over him. DON'T LET KIDS PLAY IN TRAFFIC!! Don't let kids broadcast on blogtv unless you are going to do your f**king job and give them a site that is monitored 24/7.
I agree with Kara, Come on guys let her do your job. She knows what she's doing. Leave her alone and stop posting stupid post. I agree again with the "anonymous" guy ,stop trying to stir of stuff! And if you guys make BlogTV Close im blaming it all on you and BTW there will be no more post on this site if it closes cause you have nothing to Blog about. She's doing her job fine if you think you can do better maybe you should contact someone to help fix up the site like she said. Or even work for BlogTV and see how well you can do. So stop making these dumb post and stick to BlogTV Rumors Not BlogTv Investigators or BlogTv Snitches. Nice site Kara, your doing a great job. I love it!
We have contacted the FBI, Interpol and several websites on the top of the Google list who claim to be in the child protecting game. To be honest, I find it hard to believe that they won't respond as well. I feel like I am in between a rock and a hard place. I want to do everything I can to not only protect the kids on our site, but to open their eyes to what is happening all over the internet so that others can get help as well.
With all of the predator shows and what not I assumed it would be easy to get help, but I was wrong. I don't think we are victims, but I do think anyone on the internet (including us) are somewhat helpless when it comes to getting help from real authorities. Since everyone lives on the internet these days, it would be nice if the worlds governments would start helping police it better.
Again, I ask you guys because its possible that being in Israel is stopping us from knowing about the best American agencies that deal with this. We can only do what looks right to us.
I understand that you think its not right that we opened the site to 13 year olds, but I need to point out once again that these kids are on the internet anyway. We did extensive research into other sites with this type of platform and discovered that the kids there were completely unmonitored and allowed to basically do whatever they want.
So, we felt (along with other reasons of course) that they would be safer under our watch and with our rules. When followed, the rules on our site should make this environment perfectly suitable for 13 year olds and up just as a PG13 movie is deemed suitable. The separation of ages was a backup plan that we felt we should create just in case it got a little out of hand. It's just taking longer to perfect than I had thought. I'm not a developer though and I have no idea how long it takes to build these things. I just come up with the ideas for it based on your concerns as a community.
Again, we are not playing the victim, rather we are trying to make this as safe as can be on the internet today. Even without our age separation I still firmly believe that they are safer here than elsewhere. I know the mods who are watching and I know they are good and caring people who will do everything in their power to assure their safety. As I have stated before, we even have a program set up where we email younger broadcasters with details on how to be safe on the internet. We wrote it in simple, easy to understand and child friendly English and we send it out as often as possible to these kids.
BTW our site is most definitely monitored 24/7...didn't you know that?
Anyhow, you can agree or disagree with this but the research spoke for itself. After seeing it I went from not thinking it was a good idea, to thinking it was the best idea.
Perhaps I am spreading our resources a little thin, but still...they are here with us. I care, the staff cares, you guys obviously care and all of that adds up to them being a hell of a lot safer here than anywhere else.
Sorry...one more thing.
I actually have faith in you all as a community. It was a huge factor in this decision. I know there are pervs out there but just look at how many of you would never allow this to happen. I truly believe there are more good people on this site than bad and I think as a community we are able to provide as much safety as is possible right now.
Believe in yourselves as well.
sorry, that all sounds nice, but it is just the same old song and dance that was sung many months ago as far as I am concerned.You are just stringing us along... telling us what you think you want to hear to hush this up. I am not buying it until I SEE a difference being made. I am tired of all this talk and no action!! I will believe it when I see it . Hopefully when you finally do come around,if you do come around, it wont' be too late --- Jane1963
I seriously do not understand why you all are against Kara - you ask for explanations, and she gives them. More often than not, you are forcing her to leak policy and other internal matters out into the public domain when it really should remain internal to Blogtv business. If she says there are tools on the way for broadcasters' use to control viewers, then WAIT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT TEAM TO ISSUE THEM; if she says there are communications with various child protection agencies - WAIT FOR THE FINAL RELEASE. AND -- thats assuming a whole lot - meaning - assuming that you, the customer are even privileged to any/all internal matters at blogtv. Jeeze. You, as a blogtv user are very fortunate to have THIS much discussion WITH a video blog site at all. I am embarassed for all of you for such rude behavior -- if this were any other business, you'd simply just not come back.
The fact that certain things are on specific timelines has nothing to do with Kara stringing people along. All this tells me is that none of you are experienced at all with running any sort of business, or capable of handling any higher level negotiations. For crying out loud just back the fuck off of Kara. I see her doing a great job at blogtv despite all your crybaby shit.
I'm curious. Let's talk gives reference to a cybertipline in the original post. Maybe Lets Talk should install a new poll asking blogtv broadcasters if they use the tip line to report these "incidences of child abuses on blogtv".
Obviously the blogtv broadcasters as a whole are the ones failing the children on blogtv -- not Blogtv or Kara.
I personally think if BlogTv is going to continue allowing young children to broadcast, then they should keep a Mod in the child's Show AT ALL TIMES and only the MOD is in control of kicking and all that good stuff!! Maybe then, the predators might not come in the children's shows as often!! How bout it, Blogtv? Even though, I personally think the age should be raised back up to begin with, but I thought this might be a good suggestion since BlogTv is obviously not going to change the age requirements!!
Stephanie.. Kara Hanna is going to tell you that they simply can't afford to hire that many mods. After all.. they need to be able to afford the YOU TUBERS they pay for each week. LOL!!!
LMAO!! Yeah you're right there!!! Then I suggest they let the Broadcasters put some kind of rating on their show, therefore only allowing people of certain age and above in their room. Damn, Blogtv needs to get their shit together!!
Shawn, I don't know if you saw my response to your forum statement over on blog, before Kara shut it down, But I will be glad to respond again here if you didn't. :)
I had a couple of instances where I had trouble logging in to this site so.. when I wrote anonymously I signed my name to it Jane1963.
I am not afraid of being called out on blogtv or anywhere about what I have to say. You should know that by everything I posted into the Blogtv forums.
I am not holding any of this against you though shawn.. there is information you are not aware of, but all WILL see soon enough. Then you will see things differently.
I stand firm in my convictions on this matter. I don't really care about any popularity votes or who thinks this is making me look bad, nutty, crazy or what ever. lol
When the hammer DOES come down (as someone put it earlier) more of you will understand clearly.
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