Is all this very pretty English UK'er has to offer,
seems tashaaa tosses her hair more than entertaining her fans while her co-host AlexMcLovin admits to masturbating while co-hosting.
Now were not sure but AlexMcLovin's co-hosting stint lasted under 5 minutes either he's really really good at it or he's really really bad at it. You tell us what you think.
shes hot id lose it in under 5 min
fo sho
I happen to enjoy Tashaaa very much. People say a lot of things on BTV that are not true anyway, just to get a reaction or a laugh. Her co-host was probably joking. Even if what McLovin said was true, she can't control what her co-hosts do. I find her very entertaining and the only thing I do agree with your post on is that she does have a very pretty face. The rest is out of line. That's what this bloke from America thinks.
I find Tasha very hot, unlike Mclovin i can cum in under 1 min when watching her. Every time her webcam loads up i cum in my pants it's hard to control because she is so pretty. Her personality is incredibly nice as well and it's really not her fault that Mclovin keeps tissues by his computer i mean show me a man who doesn't!
tasha hot no lies but that mclovin lmao what a twat!
I believe that Tasha is a rising star on blog TV! soon she will be more famous than Barack Obama. Some say she invented Tuesdays and to be honest I believe them. Every time Tasha comes on blog TV I drop what ever i am doing (using masturbating to clown porn)and go and watch her. I always find Tasha nice to me and if I slip her $5 she sucky sucky real good ;) I find it hard to believe that anyone could insult something so beautiful and pure I believe that Jesus himself sent Tasha down to blog TV to make the world a better place for all. The only explanation for Tasha being so beautiful is that she is an angle. The person who wrote this bad review should pray to god to spare their life as the almighty man is not happy. The only way you could redeem yourself would be to go and watch midget porn because Tasha is the only blonde in her family apart from her dad, brother and sister.
Hey I am AlexMclovins best friend well mainly because I am his only friend. I find it hard to believe how mean people are being to him, he is going through an extremely hard time in his life which is why he is drinking heavily. Alex got a fat bird pregnant by complete accident he thought he was shagging the back hole but as it turned out he wasn't... Alex no longer will log onto blogtv because of all of the hate mail he has got after this post was made so I hope you feel happy, you have made a poor defenseless man regret bring born I just hope he doesn't try and take his own life. I hope you can live with yourself.
After reading the review on Tasha I felt a little disappointed with what was written, I personally found Tasha incredibly entertaining and the comment about her tossing her hair appears rather churlish in my opinion. I also believe it is unfair to judge Tasha on her co-host as she has no control over him. I can understand writing constructive criticism about her show but you have stepped across the line with your post and I believe that Tasha should be given a formal apology for the insult.
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